The department has some equipment that can be used by students for their research activities. If you need to discuss requirements or book some equipment contact the Lab Manager.
Open Access PCs are available in the Sheppard-Worlock Library for general use. There are a number of bookable PCs in cubicles that can be booked for individual quiet work.
Students can also use computers in HCA 106, HCA 107, HSB 002, Eden 002 when there are no timetabled sessions in these rooms. Timetables are posted beside the rooms to indicate when the rooms are free.
Specialist dedicated PCs are available in the labs (See the Labs Page for more information about the resources available). Software specific to dissertation research can be installed on devices in the labs to support data collection. Contact the lab manager for more information.
Library facilities for the Psychology Department are located in the Sheppard-Worlock Library on Hope Park Campus. Information about the books, journals, databases and collections can be accessed on the library website. Rob Cunningham is the Subject librarian for Psychology and he can be contacted by email ( or telephone 0151 291 2031.
There are a number of other specialist environments and equipment within the Health Sciences Building and across the University that can be used by psychology staff and students in agreement with the technical support staff who manage those facilities. Examples include nutrition labs, sport and exercise labs and equipment. In the first instance you should dsiscuss any requirements with the Lab Manager